There Were Benefits

Yang Guang returned to the bathroom and used his flashlight to search through the cracks in the surrounding walls. Then, he finally saw a red worm in the crack on the roof!

The worm was about three to four centimeters long. Its entire body was scarlet red. There was a pair of antennae on its head. Its mouthpart was a pair of big, shiny red mandibles.

Seeing it, Yang Guang laughed coldly. He thought to himself that the fire nematode should forget about escaping at this moment!

He used chopsticks to grab it, and the worm was caught.

The fire nematode still wanted to struggle, but it was unable to break free from the chopsticks. Then, it was thrown into the bottle by Yang Guang.

Yang Guang was not in a hurry to kill it. He put it away, closed the lid, and took it back to his room.