Black Stone

Two black bears that were more than two meters tall were the ones that were making the loud footsteps!

Yang Guang felt his scalp go numb when he saw this. A chill ran down from his back to his neck and he froze.

Seeing that the black bears were running towards him, Yang Guang reacted quick-wittedly and jumped into the pond immediately!

There was nowhere else to hide and he couldn't possibly just let himself be torn apart by the two bears.

After entering the water, he felt a cold sensation spread throughout his entire body. However, Yang Guang couldn't care less anymore. He quickly swam to the deepest part of the water!

His swimming was like a dog paddling. He learned to swim in the small river at the entrance of his house during childhood. He didn't expect that it would come in handy now.

Actually, the two bears weren't here for Yang Guang. They were just here to drink water. When they saw him, they habitually pounced on him to hunt.