A Wooden Stick

Qi Yingxue went behind Yang Guang when she heard that. After taking a look, her eyes immediately widened.

Xu Ling followed and took a look. She also let out a cry of surprise!

Yang Guang reached out and touched his butt. He asked with some doubt, "What's wrong? Isn't it just that my pants are torn?"

He could clearly feel that there was a palm-sized hole in his pants. However, he did not feel anything when he touched the skin on his butt. Therefore, he was very puzzled. He did not know why the two women were surprised.

"You, you are..."

Looking at Yang Guang's bruised skin, Qi Yingxue had a look of surprise.

"Did something pierce into it?" Xu Ling asked.

"It could be!"

Qi Yingxue nodded. "The skin is bruised. Something must have pierced into the skin and bled!"

"No way! Why can't I feel it?"

Yang Guang endured the pain and carefully pinched his buttocks.

"Stop touching it. Hurry to the hospital!"