Don't Be Like This

Hearing Yang Guang's words, Qi Yingxue was stunned!

She didn't say anything and looked at Yang Guang in a daze.

Being stared at until his hair stood on end, Yang Guang asked, "Sis, are you angry?"

"No," Qi Yingxue shook her head. "No wonder you were so angry. And no wonder you said that she's the person closest to you!"

"..." Yang Guang was silent, at a loss for words.

Qi Yingxue continued, "I can see that you really care about her!"

"You don't know. Sister He Hua's life has been pretty tough too to have met such a man," Yang Guang said.

"I understand!" Qi Yingxue nodded and looked into his eyes. "But with the current situation, what are your thoughts? Are you planning to continue your relationship with Sister He Hua after returning to the village?"

"This..." Yang Guang was stunned for a moment, "I didn't think about it. I just don't want her to be alone outside. It's too worrisome."