Emergency Meeting

Shortly after he got into bed, Yu Tian heard his phone ring.

Still half asleep, he fumbled around to search for his phone. Once he answered it, Xu Guaodong's anxious voice blasted through the speaker.

"President Yu, something terrible has happened. Please come to the office right away. We're all waiting for you in the meeting room!"

"What happened? What meeting?" 

Yu Tian subconsciously. His mind was still floating in dreamland. 

"Oh my God. Young master, get out of bed right away. Otherwise, something bad would happen!"

The chaotic shouting from the other end of the phone finally woke Yu Tian up.

He asked, "What's going on?"

"You'll know when you get here!"

After hanging up the call, Yu Tian immediately leaped out of bed. He freshened up and got dressed.

Then, he had grabbed the car keys and was ready to leave the house. All of this happened in less than five minutes.