Live and Learn

Chu Yue quickly reached out to stop Yu Tian. She was afraid that he would act impulsively again, so she quickly asked, "Where are you going?"

Yu Tian grinned at Chu Yue and said indifferently, "To get Du Jiaran here!"

"You don't know where he is now so why bother?" Chu Yue said coldly.

"Do you even need to say that?" Yu Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, he said in a deep voice, "Whose dog is Du Jiaran? I can just look for his owner. If it's not Shao Mingzun or Zong Ming, no one else would dare to do anything to us. You guys wait here. I'll be right back!"

No one could stop Yu Tian. Everyone knew that the Chu family wanted Du Jiaran, yet they still dared to kidnap him. It was obvious that they did not put the Chu family in their eyes.

The Phantom Ghost disappeared from everyone's sight.

Only Sheng Mingjie smiled coldly. Right now, Du Jiaran might have already been killed by his master. 'Let's see how capable you are to save his life?'