Beat Him Up

After Yan Longwen heard about what happened in the company, she was half sober and said hatefully, "Is Du Mingzhe really crazy? How can he be a lackey for those foreigners? He's so hateful!"

It was sure hateful but Yu Tian was not thinking about that. He smiled and said, "He's a lackey. I think that it's not only the Agras family who is backing him. It's likely Aster Technology!"

Yan Longwen felt that her brain was getting foggy. She picked up the water and gulped down half a cup. Then, she asked in puzzlement, "Why Aster Technology?"

"Because they've always wanted to monopolize the technology of the integrated modules. And I've invested so much money into developing it. Do you think that Aster Technology will allow its competitors to become stronger? Therefore, I'm thinking that Huo Nianyue is definitely behind all this!"