Chapter 732, understanding

Caesar nodded. He was not in the mood to fight with these soldiers anymore. If he did, more of his comrades would die in this war.

Therefore, he quietly jumped onto the tree. Even if he could not sleep, he had to think about his comrades.

As for Yu Tian, he did not have any thoughts of sleeping. Now was not the time to rest.

Ever since he came to this era, he had no time to rest. Instead, he had to spend most of his time on how to return to his own era.

In the end, the soldiers outside had to be dealt with by himself.

Caesar was still a youth after all. In this Black Forest, he could freely enjoy the beauty of nature, but if he came into contact with a real war.

To Caesar, who was still a youth, it was still a bit cruel.

The opportunity was given to him, and it also allowed Caesar to experience the cruelty of war. That was enough.

As he spoke, Yu Tian had already arrived at the edge of the forest.