Chapter 755, be a little more arrogant

In the end, Lark Daniel managed to convince Klein and agreed to Yu Tian’s conditions.

Klein also had his own ideas. If Yu Tian could help him eliminate all the rebels, it would save him a lot of energy.

It would also save him a lot of money. The entire senior management department was so poor that they were about to pee blood. It wasn’t enough for the people from the Defense Department to fight for him.

The economy here had already collapsed, and now that they couldn’t pay enough, who would be willing to help him fight?

Then, it was a good choice for Yu Tian to help him at this time.

After helping him kill all those damn people on a rainy day, he would take back the land he wanted to go to. It was simply a perfect plan.

There was no reason not to do it.

With this in mind, Klein still pretended to be unwilling and said, “Yu Tian’s conditions are too excessive. If I agree to his conditions, it would be equivalent to me betraying the country...”