Chapter 10025, a pile of SH * t

Foreign restaurants did not pay attention to the speed of delivery, except for those fast food restaurants.

Generally speaking, most delicious food required a certain amount of cooking time.

Moreover, in order to ensure that the freshest ingredients could be used, many of the foods were made from scratch and would not be pre-processed into semi-finished products.

These things could not be delayed for too long in Chinese restaurants because the kitchen in Chinese restaurants was fully staffed. Everyone had their own processes and dishes to be responsible for.

It was different in foreign restaurants. Their biggest problem was that they did not have enough manpower because the labor cost was too high.

Especially in some small restaurants, most of the time, a single chef would handle all the processes from beginning to end. After finishing one dish, they would go to prepare the next one.

After such a series of operations, the customers outside were already hungry.