Chapter 1,176, the tables have turned

The child has no mother. It’s a long story.

The news media followed up on this matter overnight. What kind of evil story was behind this kidnapping?

Of course, this was related to... the international criminal gang behind Congressman Leon!

Brother pig casually dragged the Kronin Association into this matter and blamed them for all the recent shit.

The KLONI Society had no chance to retort. They didn’t even have a voice in Twilight City.

The authorities were now firmly controlled by Edward’s faction, including the media, and only Edward’s people spoke up.

To Yu Tian’s surprise, Chief Henry of the police department also expressed his support for mayor Edward’s decision and immediately mobilized all the police forces to cooperate with Mayor Edward’s anti-triad campaign.

This was probably just a fence-sitter, and had nothing to do with the KLONI association.

Congressman Leon was dead, and so were his henchmen. This matter had scared chief Henry to death.