Here Comes the Chance

The next morning, half an hour after my wife had left, I tidied up and changed into a suit.

When I scrutinized my reflection in the mirror, I couldn't help but be more cheerful.

Back then, one of the reasons why my wife promised to marry me was because I had a good physique and appearance.

When walking on the streets with my wife, no one would think that she was a fresh flower stuck in cow dung.

Compared to the old me, I looked more mature and steady.

Coupled with the years of work experience, I could be considered a charming man inside out.

"Brother-in-law! Eh? You're…"

Yu Lan suddenly opened the door and barged in. When she saw me, her eyes lit up and she froze.

I was startled and felt a little embarrassed. "Nothing, I have something on. What is the matter?"

Yu Lan blushed crimson and clicked her tongue. "You look even more handsome than usual when you dress up! I just wanted to ask if you're free today."