Sh*t! She Was Going to Have a Confrontation!

I jolted, coming to my senses. My heart clenched.

This wasn't good!

Was she trying to lay her cards on the table once and for all?!

Before I could speak, my mother-in-law beat me to it and interjected anxiously, "Qingqing, you're still on the drip. Why are you in such a hurry? Do you have to talk now? Why don't you wait till you're home?"

As she spoke, she winked at my wife desperately.

I pretended to keep my gaze on my wife, but in fact, I could see my mother-in-law's actions clearly from the corner of my eye.

Clearly, she knew what my wife wanted to say!

Moreover, she didn't want my wife to say it now!

That's right. My wife was definitely going to have a confrontation!

My heart rate increased swiftly.

This was trouble!

It wasn't time to reveal everything!