No Master

The cashier threw a disdainful look at Qin Feng, thinking that his words were way too straightforward. Curing any disease? That sounded so much like a con artist!

Qin Feng, however, did not care about his ridicule. He did not think that he was offended by the ironic tone used by the cashier.

To put it more frankly, the cashier and he did not belong to the same world. She could be forgiven because she had no idea what he meant.

But his reaction annoyed the cashier. She had thought about revealing Qin Feng's purpose and expected to make Liu Xinran like her, but Qin Feng did not even respond to her.

She even believed that Qin Feng was ignoring her on purpose. She felt even more dissatisfied by his neglect.

She admitted that Qin Feng looked like a normal person and that he did have a handsome face. But the clothes on him could not have cost more than 200 yuan. How could she be looked down on by someone so small as him? Was he better than her?