Urgent Disease

Meanwhile at an ancient-looking mansion.

In a grand and spacious bedroom, a cluster of people was gathered. There were more than a dozen of them, each looking worried and anxious.

If Qin Feng were here, he would have recognized one of them, namely Liu Xinran whom he met back in the pharmacy.

Liu Xinran stood at the head of the group. Her sweaty hands were tightly clenched into fists as she looked at the elderly man lying in the bed.

Next to the bed stood a middle-aged man in a white robe. He was sweating heavily and looked anxious as well. He started to feel desperate and terrified as he watched the constantly dropping number on the heartbeat detector by the bedside.

The dying man was called Liu Canghai, Liu Xinran's grandpa. He was a prestigious elderly revolutionary and had a strong background. No, it was more than that. Even those important officers in Binhai City would have to behave obediently and politely in front of this man.