Why not? _1

Liu shunhua was Qin Feng's classmate back in University. They were also good friends. He had fought with Qin Feng many times and had even helped Qin Feng survive a knife.

In Qin Feng's memory, Liu shunhua had disappeared after he graduated from University. He could no longer be contacted. He did not expect to hear this familiar name in the hospital today.

However, Qin Feng was unable to confirm whether it was Liu shunhua or not, so he followed the group of men into the elevator and arrived on the 11th floor.

As they walked out of the elevator, a group of men went straight to the ward on the right. Seeing that the door was closed, the bald man in the lead kicked the door open with a bang and rushed in.

"Liu shunhua, where's the money you promised me?" The bald man in the lead rushed to Liu shunhua's bedside and shouted fiercely.