Lu Beichuan's anticipation_1

"Ah?" Liu shunhua had no idea what was going on. He was so shocked that he couldn't calm down. He looked at the access card that was thrown to him and his hands trembled. He couldn't put it away.

On the other hand, Lu Ming and he Qin's faces turned stiff, especially Lu Ming's face, which was getting redder and redder as if he had been beaten up.

Wasn't he here to help he Qin humiliate Liu shunhua? He had never once looked up to Liu shunhua, thinking that he was no more than an ant in his eyes, someone he could trample on as he pleased. In the end, Liu shunhua's good friend, Qin Feng, was actually so capable?

The villa that Liu canghai had treated as a treasure was given to Qin Feng just like that?

At this moment, Lu Ming felt that he had lost all his face. He had never been so embarrassed before and did not have the face to stay any longer. He quickly stood up and grabbed he Qin to leave. He just wanted to leave this damn place as soon as possible.