Song Liang in danger (1)

Song Liang was stunned. He was completely stunned. His mouth was wide open as he looked at Wang Dong, who had fallen to the ground and couldn't get up. It was as if he had seen the most impossible thing in the world.

In this battle with Wang Dong, he originally did not have the slightest confidence, because according to the martial arts cultivation realm division, the gap was really too big, and it was reasonable to say that it was impossible to make up for it.

However, this was not what shocked song Liang. The battle just now was short and urgent. In a moment of desperation, he had activated the cultivation technique that Qin Feng had passed to him.

"This, this is too strong, right?" Song Liang muttered to himself in shock. He had known that the cultivation technique Qin Feng had passed down was extremely powerful, but he had not expected it to be this powerful.