Meng guotao's prejudice (1)

Zhao Lu was speechless. He knew that Meng Guoyu and Meng guotao had never been on good terms. He also knew the purpose of Meng Guoyu's visit. It was to make him pay a visit to Meng guotao's house the next day.

It was mainly because he had grown up with Meng ke when they were young. They could be considered as childhood sweethearts. At that time, the villagers had joked that Zhao Lu and Meng ke were a match made in heaven. During his youth, Zhao Lu had indeed had a good impression of Meng ke.

However, after Meng ke and Qin Feng got together, Meng ke did not hide anything from him. He was very disappointed but not to the point of jealousy.

After that, he had witnessed Qin Feng's ability and naturally acknowledged him. However, he had warned Qin Feng that if he mistreated Meng ke, he would teach him a harsh lesson.

Zhao Lu was also well aware of the period of Qin Feng's dejection. He really wanted to teach Qin Feng a lesson but was stopped by Meng ke.