A shocking scene (1)

As Meng Guoyu's voice spread, the atmosphere in the entire venue became strange again.

Many people began to discuss in low voices. They had similar thoughts as Meng Guoyu and felt that the heavenly aromatic grass Qin Feng had brought was fake.

However, at this moment, there was no need for Qin Feng to explain. The attitude of the crowd had once again made Liu luoyuan's anger rise to the extreme.

"Fake? Are you saying that I'm old and my eyesight is bad?" Liu luoyuan glared at the crowd.

In the next moment, Meng Guoyu and the others who were being questioned shook their heads.

"No, no, no, it's not like that."

"Old senior, that's not what we meant. Please don't misunderstand."

"We just feel that it's strange,"

The crowd tried their best to explain. Now that they knew Liu luoyuan's identity, no one dared to talk back to him. Not to mention Liu luoyuan's current status, just the photo alone was enough to deter everyone.