Chapter 141 strategizing (1)

"Qin Feng!" Guo Xiu suddenly became angry, and his voice became hoarse and sharp. that's right. Lin Zhao is the nourishment that I have painstakingly cultivated. Originally, I would have become stronger if I had swallowed him, but you killed him, and I have wasted five years of my life!

"This hatred is like the hatred of killing one's parents, so I must kill you today. Not only will I kill you, but I will also kill your entire family! I'm going to make your woman my exclusive property!"

Guo Xiu roared repeatedly. His hatred for Qin Feng was monstrous, but he didn't make any mistakes. No matter how angry he was, his voice still came from all directions, making it impossible for anyone to judge.

The moment he finished speaking, Swoosh Swoosh Swoosh, a series of subtle wind-breaking sounds could be heard. In the air, silver needles flew in from all directions. Their target was not Qin Feng, but Liu canghai and the others.