Sun Jiawei's threat (1)

Sun Jiawei suddenly became very excited. He looked at Xu hanxing with eyes full of resentment. Before this, he thought that Qin Feng's status and position were very high, even higher than he had imagined.

However, after the conversation between Qin Feng and Xu hanxing, he had changed his mind.

He finally understood why Xu hanxing was so nervous when he came over. It was not because Qin Feng was a powerful man, but because Qin Feng and Xu hanxing had a special relationship.

It wasn't a relationship between a man and a woman, but a relative. If that was the case, sun Jiawei could understand why Xu hanxing reacted that way. If Qin Feng was Xu hanxing's cousin or something, it would be normal.

At the same time, sun Jiawei also realized that the reason why Qin Feng came to this branch company was not because he was parachuted. Xu hanxing had arranged for him to come here on purpose. He wanted to find out how the branch company had developed.