Murong qinxue's plea for mercy (1)

However, in the face of Qin Feng's pressure, they were completely powerless. They could only stand there obediently and look at Qin Feng in despair. Even ye feiyang couldn't move. However, the more he couldn't break free, the more ye feiyang was glad that he had discovered Qin Feng's identity in time. Otherwise, if he had made a move against him, he was afraid that he would die without leaving even a residue.

Qin Feng slowly walked to the person who was about to escape and looked at him with a smile.

"Your Excellency, please spare ..." Before the man could finish his sentence, his chest was penetrated by a hand and he fell to the ground.

After dealing with this person, Qin Feng moved on to the next person and attacked once more. He pierced through the chest and showed no mercy.