Taking in the five Ghosts (1)

alright, stop flattering me. I'm going down now. You guys stand guard here. Qin Feng said.

He didn't have time to waste on these things. GUI jianchou quickly said, ""Big brother, don't worry. With us here, we will definitely not let anyone disturb big brother."

Qin Feng nodded. He immediately flew out and dived into the pond, not leaving behind any splashes. GUI jianchou and the rest were standing on top of the pond, their hearts filled with incomparable shock.

I never thought that I, GUI jianchou, would be able to meet such a strong expert like big brother in this life. I have not lived my life in vain. It's a pity that I don't know big brother's identity. GUI jianchou sighed.

"Boss, I don't think big brother is a cultivator like us. I feel like he's a God. He's not from the same world as us. It's too strange. He's too strong. He's so strong that we can't understand." Ghost three was also surprised.