A beauty's plea (1)

At this time, Zhao xinru ran all the way to Qin Feng. She originally wanted to go up the mountain with Qin Feng today, but by the time she went to look for him, he had already disappeared. Zhao xinru knew that Qin Feng must be worried about her, so he went up the mountain alone.

She was about to go up the mountain but was stopped by su mu 'er. Su mu' er had received Qin Feng's instructions to accompany Zhao xinru. Since he was not allowed to go up the mountain, su mu 'er said that she would bring her out to play. Girls all liked to play and since Qin Feng would be back soon, she followed su mu' er to play around.

However, after a day of fun, they still did not see Qin Feng. Zhao xinru could no longer sit still and insisted on going up the mountain. Su mu 'er had no choice but to let her come. When she arrived, she saw that Qin Feng was about to cripple her eldest martial uncle. She could only shout with all her might to stop Qin Feng's actions.