Beating up the evil woman (1)

At this time, Meng ke's face was full of helplessness. Wu Meiqi had not only brought her, but also two friends. These two were Wu Meiqi's best friends. They were just like Wu Meiqi, who loved to laugh at others.

When Qin Feng arrived, Meng ke was also very happy. However, Wu Meiqi and her two best friends looked at Qin Feng with disdain, as if they were looking at a beggar.

In their eyes, Qin Feng did not have a single valuable item on him. He was a typical failure.

Meng ke, we're already good friends. Why didn't you tell us that you were looking for a boyfriend? to be honest, I can easily introduce anyone to you and they're all multimillionaires. The lowest is the son of a high-ranking official. Look at you, what did you find? " A woman named Li xiangqiao sneered.