Chapter 405-asking for trouble _1

After saying that, he walked in front of Qin Feng and sized him up."Brat, are you going to surrender or do you want me to attack you? if you surrender, I can still let you live, but if you wait for me to attack, then your little life will be in danger."

Qin Feng chuckled. it seems like you're very capable. Alright then, I don't want my life. You can take it.

Liu ru smiled sinisterly. Suddenly, a silver snake appeared in her hand. She unsheathed her sword and attacked Qin Feng.

Liu ru's strength was not ordinary. He was at the Grandmaster realm, and his swordsmanship was one of the best. He had already reached the stage of returning to his original state. There was only one sword flower, but this sword flower released a huge killing power.