A bet of one hundred Yuan (1)

The man walked to an empty gambling table. This table only had two seats. After the man sat down, he said to Qin Feng,"You too."

Qin Feng sat down. That man continued. my name is Wang sishan. My brothers in the underworld like to call me the God of Gamblers. Of course, it's just a nickname. It's nothing. I heard that your gambling skills are also very brilliant. I want to have a friendly match with you today. I wonder if you can? "

This fellow spoke very courteously but Qin Feng knew that regardless of whether he was willing or not, he had to make a bet with this fellow today. Otherwise, he would not be able to leave.

alright, I don't have any gambling skills. I'm just playing around. You're a gambling God. Aren't you a little ... Qin Feng laughed.

"Where? We're just sparring, don't be nervous. By the way, what do you want to play?" Wang sishan asked.

"Whatever, you can choose." Qin Feng lightly smiled.