Honey trap (1)

This time, Sima feilu was even more surprised. He quickly said, " there's such a master? is he a disciple from Beijing? but according to my information, the big families in Beijing don't seem to have many people coming to the provincial capital.

It's a man with a family. He doesn't look like he's from Beijing, but he's really powerful."

"What did you just say his name was?" Sima feilu's eyes brightened when he heard the name "Qin Feng." He quickly asked.

"He's called Qin Feng. What's the matter? Could it be that you also know him?" Zhao Heng asked.

"So, it's him. I believe you. I do know this man. Look, this disciple of mine was also injured by this guy. He is indeed very strong, enough to pose a threat to your grandson."

Sima feilu's words surprised Zhao Heng. He didn't expect Sima feilu to know him. He quickly asked,"Do you know who this person is? Who is his master?"