The love between husband and wife (1)

"You've got some nerve to finally say it. I knew that you're interested in that Qin Feng. From now on, don't go looking for him. If I see you looking for him again, I'll definitely deal with you," Zhao Heng said angrily.

I'm not a criminal. Why should I be restricted? if you don't like me, I can leave now. Zhang zixuan turned around to leave, but Zhao Heng sneered, ""You want to leave? what do you think this place is? a place where you can come and go as you please? Zhao Kuan, catch him!"

Zhao Kuan immediately stopped Zhang zixuan, but he didn't do anything. He just begged, " Xiao Xuan, don't leave me. Stay here. I'll protect you.

Zhang zixuan said with a blank expression, ""I'm being bullied right now, how are you going to protect me?"