Be good and obedient _1

This time, the man was even more furious. He didn't care what sorcery Qin Feng was using, but it was against the law. He shouted,"You dare to kidnap me? do you know how serious the crime is? I can lock you up for ten years. If you continue to do this, I'll call the police."

Qin Feng smiled and said, " I didn't kidnap you. You came back on your own. So many people saw you and there were surveillance cameras. You sat back on your own accord. My people didn't do anything to you.

Qin Feng's words made the man speechless. They did come back on their own. Hua feiyang did not do anything. Even if the police came, they would not be able to explain it.

"What Yao art did you use, speak quickly." The man said angrily.

Qin Feng sneered coldly. I didn't use any demonic Arts. I already said that you came back on your own. Alright, since you've come back on your own accord and admitted your mistakes, let's continue the negotiation.