Looking for clues (1)

"Are they really that strong?" Qin Feng laughed.

Seeing that he didn't believe her, the butterfly sneered, " you'll know how strong they are after you meet them. I also know that they're looking for you. You're the first one they'll make a move on because you'll be a threat to their plan this time.

"Okay, I'll wait for them to catch me. I'll see how strong foreign ability users are."

Seeing that he still did not believe her, the butterfly only shook her head and did not speak. Seeing her expression, Qin Feng said,"Alright, you can go rest now, but don't think about running away because you don't have the strength to do so now. If you do, I'll spread the news about you. At that time, the entire cultivation world will hunt you down. Even if you have nine lives, it won't be enough."

His words made the butterfly angry. She glared at him and said, ""Shameless."