Close combat (1)

"Just call him. It's none of your business whether he comes or not. But you'd better not play any tricks, or you'll end up in a miserable state," Qin Feng said hurriedly.

Tom nodded and took out his phone. He dialed a number and said,"Boss, we've caught Qin Feng. Please come over."

A foreigner's voice came from inside, ""You guys can capture that Qin Feng? are you guys joking?"

no, boss, " Tom quickly replied. we did catch him. He's in his villa now.

alright, bring him out. I'll be waiting for him at the nightclub on earth.

you heard him, " Tom said after he hung up. he wants you to go to the nightclub on earth.

"Sure, let's go to the nightclub tonight."

no, the boss said that we have to go now. Otherwise, he'll have other ideas. Tom said.

"Then let's go to the nightclub on earth now." Qin Feng says with a nod.

Qin Feng brought Tom and Jack to the living world nightclub. However, since there was no one around, Qin Feng had to be careful.