Tracking _1

"You're mistaken. I'm not here to save anyone. I just want to show you something." I promise you'll be very happy when you see this."

"Happy, I'll be happy if you bring your head over," Shen Wushu said with a cold smile.

"It's not my head this time, it's someone else's head. You'll be happy all the same." Qin Feng laughed.

Shen Wushu's heart was filled with worry. He was worried that what Qin Feng said was true because none of the people who went out had returned.

"Look carefully, who is this?" Qin Feng threw Hu Yifeng's head over. Shen Wushu and the people around him took a closer look and were also shocked.

"You killed elder Hu," Shen Wushu called out.

"Of course. If I didn't kill him, would I have been able to get his head?" Qin Feng said with a smile.