The Great War of the cultivation world (1)

Qin Feng nodded and left with the pill King. After they left, the woman's subordinate said,"Boss, are we just going to let them leave?"

"Don't worry. When I find the divine tomb, the entire cultivation world will be mine, let alone Qin Feng," the woman sneered.

Qin Feng and Dan King returned to their living quarters. Everyone was very happy to see Dan King return. Qin Feng specially set up a banquet for Dan King to calm his nerves. After the meal, he arranged for Dan King to rest.

In the blink of an eye, more than a month had passed. During this time, among the one hundred people that Qin Feng had nurtured, they had broken through again. Fifty of them had reached the earthly venerable rank, twenty of them had reached the mid-earthly venerable rank, and the remaining five were attempting to break through to the late-earthly venerable rank.