One on one _1

The boss was in a bad mood. If they left, he would be making a loss today. But if they didn't leave, brother FA's words were no joke. He would call a group of people over later and they would definitely smash this place to pieces. If they smashed people, he would have to compensate them.

brother, I'm begging you, " the boss begged. I'm a small business. If you give me a dozen, no one will dare to come to my place for a meal in the future.

"What does your business have to do with me? if you don't let them go after I've told you, then don't blame me." Fa bro sneered.

Fa bro picked up his phone and dialed a number, " crazy, bring a group of people to the Xiling hotel. I want to deal with someone.

After hanging up, fa bro pointed at Qin Feng and said, ""Kid, don't leave if you have the guts. I'll wait for you here."