The proud father-in-law (1)

Meng ke quickly hugged her mother. Her father-in-law was an old man in good spirits. He used to be a middle-level cadre and still had the air of a cadre now. However, this time when he saw Qin Feng, he was no longer the same as before. His attitude was much better. He nodded to Qin Feng. it's good that you've come. It's good that you've come. We've been waiting for so long. We don't know how to come back often to visit.

"Father, Qin Feng and I have been very busy recently, so we haven't had the time to visit you. But don't worry, we'll come back often in the future." Meng ke quickly smiled.

Meng ke's mother quickly smiled. old man, young people aren't like us. We have nothing to do at home every day. Let them do their own things. Don't hold them up.

His father-in-law nodded. that's true. Alright, let's go in.