Teaching the martial artist a lesson (1)

At this moment, a group of people had arrived on the road. It was obvious that the boss had brought people with him. The surrounding old men and old ladies were all frightened and quickly hid to the side. Meng Liu was even more worried and wanted to drag Qin Feng back.

As for Qin Feng, he was still at the same place and had not left. When the man saw his boss bringing people over, he immediately wanted to be overjoyed and said,"The boss is here, the boss is here. Kid, just wait for your death."

The boss was a man in his 50s. He came over with a group of people in an aggressive manner. Qin Feng saw that these people all knew some martial arts and were very strong. They might be from a martial arts school.

An old man beside him also proved Qin Feng's thoughts. He called out,"Isn't that the people from the peace dojo? I heard that they often beat people to death."