The Great Manifestation Technique; The Tomb of Extreme Path

Name: Jiang Ming

Cultivation base: Dao Seed Realm

Main cultivation: Grand Path Almighty Method Sutra

Spell: Primal Spirit Heart Sword, Ten Thousand Sword Technique, Basic Formation, Basic Talisman, Basic Pills, Basic Instrumentation

Special Ability: Great Akasa Formless Sword Qi, Great Akasa Steps, Nine Divine Mountain Treasures, Nine Heavens Imperial Lightning, Wooden Dragon, Slice the Heavens Sword, and Heaven Suppression Divine Seal.

Innate talent: Immortal (Primary Daoist Body)

Items: Human Path Records, Life and Death Disillusionment Formation Plate, middle-grade Dao Vessel Tyrant Halberd, three high-grade Shadowless Needles, high-grade Purple Cloud, high-grade Blue Crystal, low-grade Noble Robe, top-grade Weapon Flowing Cloud Sword, 3,000 years of cultivation, 200 Enlightening Tea Leaves, 80 single-use rare Enlightening Stones, a Space Crystal, an immortal-grade Enlightening Tea Seed