Astonishing Secret; the Submerged Dragon Continent; Killing the Holy Daughter First

The moon illuminated the sky, vaguely revealing a valley that was surrounded by mountains. A stream that sparkled with a silvery-white light from the moonlight snaked through the valley. A cool breeze blew in the air, bringing the smell of the ocean with it. The sound of waves hitting the shore rang softly in the air as well.

Sea creatures such as mussel women were seen carrying plates of food while the mermaids sang in their melodious voices and danced with charming movements.

Jiang Ming hid in the void about 100 miles away as he observed the manor in the distance. He speculated inwardly, 'Mu Shuiyun and Bai Lang are both in the Primal Spirit Realm, I think the Chief Overseer of Bishui Sect is in the same realm as well. However, the Clan Leader of the Jiang clan should be a realm lower in the Nascent Soul Realm.'

He lamented that he did not know their names. Otherwise, he would have their information as soon as he wrote their names in the Human Path Records.