The True Terror of Mastering the Law 

A handsome young man was standing in front of Jiang Ming. He was wearing a blue robe, and there was a warm smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

"Are you guys humans?" Jiang Ming asked. 

"Of course, we are!" The man nodded. "You can assure that I'm human, but don't ask where I come from or my past or where I'll be going. You're only at Level 5, yet you're standing before me, a Level 9 martial artist. 

Throughout the entire history of the Supreme Pagoda, you're the only one who could do it, so be proud of yourself." 

Jiang Ming was shocked.

'They are real humans! But who do they serve? The person who built the Supreme Pagoda? Or are they one of the highest executives who have joined the Supreme Pagoda?' 

Multiple questions flitted across Jiang Ming's head, but he did not have the answers for them.

"How about outside of the Supreme Pagoda?" Jiang Ming pressed on.