Innate Saint Daoist Body, Jiang Ming’s Jealousy

Name: Jiang Ming

Cultivation Base: Level 7


Level 3: 6 stages record, 21 levels record, 992 units of special ability 

Level 4: 6 stages record, 15 levels record

Level 7 corresponded to Primal Spirit Realm, and Jiang Ming had arrived at the fifth level of the pagoda.

He hadn't attempted anything yet, and as soon as he arrived at the square, he found two people in front of him.

One of them was obviously a demon. He had two horns on top of his head, two wings at his back, and a tail that looked like a metal whip at his back. He was also clad in a dark demonic aura that would cause anyone who came close to him to have goosebumps bursting over their skins. 

"This demonic aura…" Jiang Ming was stunned as he looked at the demon in front of him. 

The demonic aura that this demon was exuding was even stronger than Qing Ming, an Extreme Path martial artist.