Time Dao: The Great Millennium Technique

Jiang Ming had fought against Ye Ming from the Tianyuan School before. He was an Extreme Path expert who had the Space Illusion God Body and had already mastered the Spatial Dao to its pinnacle.

Ye Ming performed the Akasa Gate Technique before. 

As Jiang Ming started his cultivation in the Spatial Law, he had followed his instinct and was able to reproduce the same technique. Although his Akasa Gate Technique was not as strong as Ye Ming's, it was still a formidable technique.

"Great Akasa Sword Technique!" Jiang Ming brandished the Pseudo Immortal longsword that he had chosen from that level.

"Sword imposing the Universe, slashing through the vastness and destroying Yin-Yang!" As Jiang Ming launched his attack, each doppelganger in the Akasa Gates also launched a slash simultaneously. Never-ending streams of light could be seen from the slashes while its overwhelming intensity locked the space in place as the attacks ceaselessly came from all corners.