Great Rewards for the Tenth Year, The Reincarnation Transmigration Technique 

The time was exactly 00:00 on the 1st of January, Year 10,000 of the Great Zhou Calendar.

"Ding: Congratulations to the host for living on Chuyang Peak for ten continuous years and insisting on working and cooking daily. Rewarded with 1,000 wisps of origin essence, five strips of top-grade spiritual veins, a set of Sword Tome, one Universe Sword, one Universe Furnace, and one Ofuda Talisman."

The rewards were not many. In fact, very few rewards were given, yet each of them was exquisite!

Origin essence: Each strip was akin to a long river where there was an overwhelming power of creation embedded in it.

Jiang Ming directly merged them into his inner world. In an instant, the origin essence rapidly decomposed and integrated into every corner of the world, causing the order of the world to accelerate by 10,000-folds abruptly.

The inner world's area was also expanding rapidly.