Not just Rubbing It in His Face, But Also Stomping

At the Buddhist Land in the Western Region...

Chan Xin stood afloat high in the air, with the golden wheels of merit and virtue above his head. He looked down over at the many devout Buddhist believers who were kneeling below, stretching from that area to the ends of the sky.

He couldn't even conceal the smile on the corner of his mouth.

Although his status back in the Spiritual Mountain in the Heavenly Realm was good, he was still considered just a small shrimp in the big ocean. But here, they were addressing him as: My Buddha, Lord Buddha, Saint Buddha, Elder Buddha and even Holy Buddha!

Hearing all these, he himself had now become the Lord Buddha here already!

Haha! Such a joyful experience over in this mortal world!

When he looked to the other side, he saw the 3,000 female devout believers who were selected for him. He couldn't help but chuckle thinking of so many of them warming his bed.