Kill Bei Cheng, Destroy Beiming, Quasi-Sage Middle Stage (Part 3)

"Until that day!" Linglong's eyes glowed with hatred, "We ran into Beiming Hai. He's a Great Overarching Golden Immortal, and he's the son of the Black Emperor. This person is greedy and lustful, and because of his powerful background, he is lawless and wants to take me away when he sees me. 

"Although we were in the Golden Immortal Realm, we were no match for him. In the end, you sacrificed yourself to cast a forbidden spell and sent me away at the cost of your own mana and Primal Spirit."

Linglong was trembling when those memories surfaced in her mind and she grabbed Jiang Ming even tighter. 

"I'm here. Don't worry!" Jiang Ming patted her shoulder.

After a short while, Linglong calmed herself down and continued.