Crazy, All Have Gone Insane (Part 2)

[Hong Zhan: Ao Jiu, you are on my list!]

[Ao Jiu: I shuddered…hehe…do you think I'm afraid of you?]

[Hong Zhan: I'm from the Sea of Chaos and in my clan we have about 10 Saints.]

[Ao Jiu: Bro, brother, no, you're my own brother from now onwards!]

[Hong Zhan: …]

[Di Huo: Ao Jiu: I'm shivering in fear. I wanted to kneel down begging for forgiveness. Can't…can't I just dance in women's clothing? Hong Zhan sits on his strong horse, holding a golden blade: Yes you may. But if you can transform into a woman and have sex with me for 30 millions years, I'll forget all these nonsense of yours.]

[Feng Wu: I can't control myself from laughing.]

[Ming Fei: I'm laughing out loud so much that I'm almost misunderstood as insane.]

[Tian Fozi: Amitabha, I'm sorry that I've held back in difficulty. If I wasn't in a prayer meeting, I'd laugh out loud 3,000 times.]