The Last Order From the Heavenly Emperor, Heavenly Emperor Seal (1)

Above the Tianyuan Sea...


The Human Paths Record was flipped open.

Name: Tai Yuan (The Heavenly Emperor, the Great Heavenly Venerate, one of the three clones. Note: It's created by infusing the fusion of yang energy from the stars and the yang fire of 480 million immortal spirits into the Innate Nine-Orifice Stone Puppet.)

Status: 'All those who're loyal to me have been relocated, and all those who're against me have been eliminated. It's time for me to go all out now.

'I need to use all of my "trump cards," and act as if I have nothing left in my arsenal.

'I'll activate the Astral Universal Destruction Formation first. This formation is extremely powerful, and I'm afraid the Great Demon Venerate won't be able to guard against it. It would be no fun to kill them all.