Ten Thousand Demon Decree, Heavenly Buddha, Paramita Sepulture Flower 

Having seen the great explosion of power by the desperate Great Demon Venerate, all of the experts were left in shock.

Ao Jin, the second strongest of the dragon clan was forcibly torn apart, had his primal spirit swallowed, and died tragically on the spot. The Dragon Monarch erupted in fury, tearing the space itself and descended to the place. 

If it weren't for the Lord Buddha suddenly involving himself into the skirmish, Laughing Buddha, the great master of the Fo Sect, would have been killed. 

Vermillion Bird and Tai Jian retreated themselves and were not affected.

Yu Fei was also in a very miserable state where her chest was blown up. If it wasn't for a whip flying out of her body at the critical moment to withstand the attack, she would have died tragically on the spot.