Into the Abyss, Slashing Down the Roads Ahead (Part 1)

Jiang Ming had a clear understanding of the various forces in today's world.

In the past, when the Heavenly Emperor was still around, he could control the power of authority and suppress through all directions. However, now that the Heavenly Emperor had fallen, the world plunging into chaos was inevitable.

Who would submit to whom? Taking Buddhism Sect as an example, who would they willingly submit to?

As for the Heavenly Buddha ascension to the throne? 

"It's impossible for him!" Mountain Master Tian Yuan shook his head immediately, "The Fo sect is too deceptive. Once the Heavenly Buddha ascends to the throne, the whole world may be shrouded in the Buddha's light, and hundreds of millions of races will become bald!"

"What if they force their way onto the ascension?"

"They will surely be attacked by everyone!"